Wednesday, April 20, 2011
the translation is automatic with alot of errors , please allow me some time to translate it correctly....
IT as lever of growth and corporate reengineering.
The growth of enterprise constitutes one way road in our days, contrary to the voices of fear for reduction of cost and downsizing the enterprise. The repercussions downsizing are terribly detrimental and they lead to situations of panic, sang-froid, positive-fertile thought are the basic enterprising "sentiments" that should possess us. In my previous article netweek [t].241 I had pointed out the basic characteristics and ways of governing of information technology in economies that are found in intensive units but also for enterprises that search a new policy of growth. Succinctly I had reported the basic beginnings that it needs in order to address information technology. These are:
Systematic depiction and interconnection of operational/strategic needs of company with informative needs and investments.
Mechanism of management and administration of Address of Information technology. Here I report indicatively mechanism ITIL.
Mechanism of management IT portfolio and Enterprise Architecture.
The correct evaluation and maintenance of capable executives of Information technology are henceforth imperative need.
Mechanism of evaluation and exploitation of IT outsourcing.
Mechanism of evaluation and growth of innovative technologically solutions. Eg Cloud computing, web 2.0.
Operational solutions as enterprise 2.0 that is to say social media in business.
Safety of informative systems and infrastructures
The growth of enterprise is the possibility of investing for the enterprise to new technologies (as cloud, enterprise 2.0 etc) not as end in itself. The new technologies in order to create growth should be tangent to the enterprising strategy of growth. The proportion of size of investment with expected profit is also the solution of equation that we will substantially resolve from the enterprising side. Balance and the interconnection between enterprise growth and information technology through a strict corporate governance model is required.
Enterprise growth and its DNA
In a meeting that I had recently with some valorisen executive of enterprises, I realised that growth is different in conception for each enterprise.
The growth henceforth with the economic recession is not more the fast and easy profit of good ideas but its long-lasting output through a lawful frame of enterprise flexibility. All we have ideas how many we took the courage to materialise them or him to externalise in order to they become action, obviously a lot few from us. The reason of this small reflection for the growth we will see below that it can be covered from the computer scientist 2.0.
The bigger long-lasting investments of growth if we seat also him we think diachronically are hatched `[idees]' in the correct enterprising and social environment. Enterprising meaning the suitable tools and models that the idea him [morfopoiisoyn] and her will give life (offer). Social environment is the ductile environment of creation of demand and acceptance. The two these parameters determine the success or failure of `[ideas]' that you change potential in growth of enterprise. The more simplified perception and reflection of growth constitute also the DNA of business dexterity that is her more basic component of unification with the information technology. We could speak for complicatedly, `[exypna]' if you want always models of enterprising growth with economic terms or lawful enterprising frames of growth but would seek dna the growth and that this you transubstantiate in enterprising plan. Having writes in the past enterprising plans for enterprises, the difficult piece is the discovery of DNA and no so much complicated forecasts, ROI, Capital employed KPIs and remaining essential quantitative components of operational plan of growth.
Below I will analyze that the computer scientist 2.0 it can offer in the DNA of enterprising growth.
Computer scientist 2.0 as source of growth
Computer scientist is henceforth determined more by the services that it offers despite from software or hardware that it offers as constantly for the company. This means that possibilities of growth of company are based more on the person of information technology despite in the inanimate tools. The possibilities of information technology are enormous if the administration of information technology can give the suitable services with long-lasting planning completely harmonised in the corporate [stratigiki] and corporate culture of company. [Pliroforiakarios] today has unlimited choices and unlimited ways of application of technology, this means that it can format the technology so as to it covers a developmental plan of company of organism. In order to makes him this should the tools be used with very attention and objectivity in order to exists this common language of growth is a big equation that the director of information technology should resolve daily also with very creative thought in order to he has results. Below I will analyze tools that can potentially become services for the growth of company of organism. First we determine the significance the “Computer scientist 2.0” as the new model of governing and benefit of services in the all spectrum of growth of company of organism and main the complete harmonisation of information technology with the developmental DNA of enterprise.
In general tools that can be developed as services of internal information technology or via outsourcing or smart sourcing are:
IT service management
Security alerting and monitoring
Enterprise architecture
Budget monitoring
The IT 2.0 paradigm it is the new order of things for all of us. They is the information technology of harmonisation with the DNA of enterprise, based on services and the [INTERNET]. Significances as enterprise 2.0, cloud computing will play fundamental role even if they only harmonise with the enterprising culture the enterprising DNA for growth.